
Even though v8n comes with more than 30 validation rules already baked right in, you will often find that you need something else for your project. Of course it's super easy to extend v8n to use your own rules in the same fluid way. Rules are importantly just functions with a name that return either true, false or in the case of asynchronous validation a Promise that resolves to a boolean. Extending is always done using the extend() method on the v8n object. It receives an object as it's only parameter that contains the name of the rule as the key and the function as the value.


Custom rules will override built-in rules with the same name.

Regular rules

Regular rules are simple functions that ultimately return a boolean. You can do however much you want within the function, including nesting more validation chains from new v8n calls. Specifically your function needs to be passed to as the value of an object given to extend(). You can have as many parameters on your rule as you like, but the return value must be a function that returns the boolean mentioned above.

  myCustomRule: expected => {
    return value => value === expected;

  .test("foo"); // False


The extend() method is not called on v8n() but instead is a property of the v8n object. Make sure to ommit the braces here!

If you really love arrow functions and single lines, you could make the above rule even smaller.

const myCustomRule = expected => value => value === expected;
v8n.extend({ myCustomRule });

Your function should return a function and not just the boolean. This is important so that you can actually work with the value for validation. The value will be available as the only argument of the returned function so that you can work with it.


Your custom function does not accept the value as a parameter, it only receives it's own configuration. The value is available from a function within the rule.

If you omit the function return you will still be fine, but your validation could not work with the value that is being validated. This might be useful if you are validating that some external condition not dependent on the value is met. Usually you'll want the value though.

Asynchronous rules

Asynchronous rules are very similar to regular rules. There are only subtle differences in declaration and usage.

  • Can only be used with asyncTest() strategy
  • Must return a Promise that resolves to boolean

Essentially you defined these rules exactly the same as any regular rule. The thing that these make possible is that you can return Promise instead of actually having to get the value beforehand. This is particularly useful for calls to a webserver for some sort of backend validation or database checks. The Promise then needs to resolve to a boolean value and v8n will handle the rest, including rejecting if anythingn happens or if it resolves to false. You don't have to reject the Promise yourself.

const myAsyncCustomRule = expected => {
  return value => {
    // fetches data from an api, for example, and resolves with the result
    const result = fetch("some API call");
    return Promise.resolve(result == expected);
v8n.extend({ myAsyncCustomRule });

Most popular HTTP libraries will return Promises, so this will let you simply pass them to return and be done with it. Everything will be handled by v8n and the testAsync() strategy.

Last Updated: 7/1/2022, 2:18:16 AM